DBT star Scheme
DBT Assets Acquired Format
Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
Beneficiary departments: Departments of Zoology, Botany and Biotechnology
DBT- STAR COLLEGE SCHME is an Undergraduate students support scheme initiated by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, got sanctioned for Mar Ivanios College w.e.f. 2012. Three Science Departments viz. Zoology, Botany & Biotechnology have participated this programme for strengthening life sciences education oriented towards training on Biotechnology. To meet the specific objectives of the scheme, diverse academic and scientific activities like invited scientific lectures, advanced level of practical training, conducting short-term workshops, visit to R & D centers, industrial visit, collaborative student projects, specialized training for faculty improvement, optimizing technical procedures for practicals are being conducted. Participating Departments have been strengthened with new equipments and consumables for improving undergraduate learning and orient students to choose a career in Science Stream.
30 Years of DBT, Celebrations
30 Years of DBT Celebrations Report
• Motivate undergraduate students towards creative innovation through project based learning experience.
• Provide an opportunity to improve scientific aptitude among students and promote analytical thinking.
• Strengthen the academic and physical infrastructure for achieving excellence in teaching and learning by procuring new equipment, upgrading of existing facilities and designing new practicals.
• Promote inter-departmental cooperation and institutional tie-ups aimed at the exposure of students in state-of-the-art technologies and research activities.
• Conduct specialized training programmes, wokshops and seminars for faculty as well as students for optimizing technical capabilities.
• Expose information technology resources to the students for updated knowledge, helping them in designing and execution of project works.
• Devising standard curricula and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) / manuals for practicals.
• Provide better library facility with new books and journals for updated knowledge among academic community.
• Creating awareness among public on qualitative changes in the life science education that enhances demand in life science courses offered by the institution.
Advisory Committee of DBT-STAR College Scheme
Rev. Dr. Gigi Thomas, Principal, Mar Ivanios College.
DBT Nominee :
Dr Suhas Pednekar, Principal, Ramnarain Ruia College, Mumbai.
External experts:
Dr. Srinivas G, Scientist D, SCTMST, Trivandrum.
Dr. Sanil George, Scientist, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Trivandrum.
General Coordinator:
Dr. V. S. Josekumar (2012-2015),
Dr. Leenamma Joseph HoD, Department of Zoology (2015 onwards)
(All faculty members of Zoology, Botany, and Biotechnology)
Dr. C. Suju Skaria, Head, Department of Botany
Dr. Thomson Kuruvilla (Late), Head, Department of Biotechnology
Dr. Victoria P. K., Assistant Professor, Department of Botany
Dr. Deepthi Alex, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology
Dr. T. Sajeesh (Late), Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology
Dr. P. I. Paul, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology
Mr. Johnson George, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology
Dr. Manju K.G,. Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology
Dr. Meera George, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology
Dr. Suboj Babykutty, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology
Ms Susan Kurian, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology
Dr. Lija L. Raju, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology