Mar Ivanios College has special academic schemes to cater for advanced and slow learners. At the UG level advanced students are supported to take competitive examinations for admission to national institutes. This has resulted in many students getting admission in national institutes like the NITs, IITs, Central and State universities, etc. every year. The college hosts the Walk With a Scholar (WWS) programme initiated by the Government of Kerala for advanced learners. In the scheme academic mentoring is given by internal faculty and external experts. WWS also conducts field study to reputed institutions. Advanced learner students at the PG level are given opportunity to present papers at national seminars and the response has been very positive. While INFLIBNET is currently open to all students, advanced learners were identified and given training in open access e-publishing. Access to research databases in various on-line sources was taught to them who shared this knowledge with their class. Students are also encouraged to participate in various inter-collegiate quiz and academic competitions. At the UG level, The Scholar Support Programme for slow learners is a programme funded by the State government and has been running very efficiently for the last four years. More than 100 students each year take benefit of this scheme. The faculty also try to do remedial sessions for all students who are weak in studies, who appear for the supplementary examinations, especially those who have failed in the previous attempt. There is also academic and psycho-social mentoring provided by a group of volunteer teachers on campus who are assigned groups of students at the beginning of the academic year. They maintain a case file of all the students in their group and meet them on a regular basis.